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Fighting More Than Fire Inc. brings dreams to reality by uniting the community and firefighters together to rebuild a home when devastation such as a house fire occurs. In return Fighting More Than Fire gives back to those who risk their lives to save ours by providing their children with an opportunity to receive a scholarship.
"Saving lives. Rebuilding dreams."


The mission of Fighting More Than Fire eagerly undertakes the following pursuits:

·       Structural Residential Rebuilding:  Constructing homes for the poor, distressed or underprivileged through the aid of local businesses, firefighters, and community supporters and volunteers.

·       Educational Community Awareness:  Instructing surrounding and participating communities about the necessary and effective precautions of fire prevention.

·       Scholastic Financial Support:  “Paying it Forward” by providing academic scholarships to the children of firefighters.


For more information download the full business plan.


Fighting More Than Fire, FMTF

Copyright 2012. Fighting More Than Fire, Inc.

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